Занятие по теме "Traveling"

Вводное занятие по теме "Traveling"

Содержимое разработки

Лексика к тексту

Прочитайте, запишите и выучите лексику:

  1. to travel – путешествовать

  2. to make a trip – путешествовать

  3. to make a journey – путешествовать

  4. voyage – путешествие

  5. customs – таможня

  6. cruise – путешествие по морю

  7. hovercraft – судно на воздушной подушке

  8. ferry – паром

  9. to hitch hike – путешествовать, пользуясь бесплатно

попутными машинами

  1. itinerary – маршрут, путь

  2. to check in – регистрироваться

  3. to book a ticket – заказывать билет

  4. to be in time (for) – не опаздывать, приходить вовремя

  5. fare – плата за проезд

  6. a reservation – предварительный заказ

  7. information desk – стол справок

  8. luggage – багаж

  9. in advance – заранее

  10. an announcement объявление

  11. to take off вылетать

  12. to land – приземляться

  13. on board a plane – наборту самолета

  14. a boarding pass – посадочный талон

  15. a departure lounge – зал ожидания

  16. non-stop flight – беспосадочный полет

  17. a delay on one hour – задержка на один час

  18. extra payment – дополнительная плата

  19. to get off – сходить с

  20. platform – перрон

  21. porter – носильщик, проводник спального вагона, портье

  22. a sleeper – спальный вагон

  23. fast train – скорый поезд

  24. passenger train – пассажирский поезд

  25. compartment – купе

  26. berth – полка, спальное место

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

People travel on business or for pleasure. Thousands of people spend their holidays traveling. There are many ways of traveling: traveling by air, sea, train, car. Traveling is very interesting and useful because you get to know our beautiful nature and people. You always enjoy picturesque places, monuments of history and culture.

Most people travel by train. Trains take a lot of passengers, they are comfortable and quick enough for most people. You must book a ticket beforehand in the booking office, look at the schedule to learn the time of the departure, pack your things and arrive at the railway station. The conductor will show you to your compartment. When the train starts you can take your berth and watch everything through the window.

Many people prefer traveling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable, quickest means of traveling. There is no dust or dirt of the railway or car journey. You must book the ticket in the booking office beforehand and register at the airport. Your luggage is weighted. You can have 20 kilograms of luggage free of charge. Before the plane takes off the stewardess gives all the information about the flight, the speed and the altitude. But some people get air-sick.

If you want to get the most delightful impressions on holidays, you can travel by sea or river. You book your passage on board a modern liner. These liners are real floating cities with all modern conveniences and a wide choice of sport and entertainment facilities. Every modern liner has a number of decks. Passengers occupy cabins. A cabin looks like a compartment of a railroad sleeping car, but the windows are round and are called portholes. You needn’t worry about your meals on board the liner. If you are not sea-sick the voyage will give you many moments of joy. But this is the most expensive way of traveling.

If you travel by car you can start and stop when and where you like. Many people travel by car and rest at campings near a lake or a sea.

As for me I prefer traveling on foot. Fresh air does people a lot of good. You can go to the places where no ship, no car, no train can get. You can climb a mountain and walk in a forest, you can enjoy the beauty of nature, a pleasant company of friends. The only disadvantage is your heavy rucksack.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Do people travel only for pleasure?

  2. What ways of traveling do you know?

  3. Why do people like to travel?

  4. What is the first thing you do before starting off a trip?

  5. Do you like traveling by train?

  6. What are the advantages of traveling by train?

  7. How often do you travel by train?

  8. What do you think is the flying time from Moscow to London?

  9. What are the duties of the stewardess?

  10. Do you sleep on a plane or do you prefer to read?

  11. Do you always watch the in-flight film?

  12. Are meals served on board the plane?

  13. What are passengers talking about on the plane?

  14. Is it easy or difficult to go through customs?

  15. What does the customs officer usually say to those who have just arrived in the country?

  16. What is the most comfortable and expensive way of traveling?

  17. Do you like traveling by car?

  18. When did you last travel on foot?

Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

Проводить выходные путешествуя, наслаждаться живописной местностью, заказывать билет заранее, посмотреть расписание, упаковать вещи, показывать купе, занимать полку, смотреть в окно; самые удобные, уютные и скорые средства для путешествий; восхитительные впечатления, путешествовать по морю или по реке, выглядеть как купе, самый дорогой способ путешествовать, путешествовать пешком, забираться на гору.

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Занятие по теме "Traveling"

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