Урок "The Royal Family"
Тема: The Royal Family (Королевская семья)
Цель: развивать умение читать с основным пониманием содержания текста;
познакомить учащихся с Британской Королевской семьёй, её образом жизни.
Задачи: 1.совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки по темам “Family members”, “Daily Routine”,
“Likes and Dislikes”; Present and Past Simple.
2.развивать и совершенствовать умения и навыки работы с компьютером
3.воспитывать уважительное отношение и интерес к стране изучаемого языка
Дидактический материал:
Презентация “The Royal Family” в Power Point, инструкции, жетоны
Оснащение урока: Проектор, 8 компьютеров
Ход мероприятия
Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you today. The lesson will be unusual, interesting, and useful.
K, how is you mum?
H, have you got a sister? How is she doing? Is she fine?
S, how many people are there in your family?
Have you got cousins, brothers or sisters?
Well. So today we’ll speak about a family, but this family is unusual. This family is famous all over the world.
а. Сообщение темы и цели
Let 's seen to the screen
The theme of our lesson is “THE ROYAL FAMILY”
What would you like to get to know about this family? Would you like to know where it lives, how they live, if their daily life is the same as ours?
I think, it’s always interesting to get to know about the life of famous people.
3.Основная часть урока
a. pre-reading tasks
Look at the screen of your displays.
For more than a thousand years Britain has always had kings or queens except for the ten years between 1649 and 1659. In the past, kings had great power and they really helped to make history. They started wars, made laws, and did things in their own way. But gradually more and more power went to Parliament.
children, Answer my questions:
Teacher – Class:
На экране фотография королевы Британии Елизаветы II и вопросы
1. Who is this woman? (– A monarch, the head of Great Britain,
2. What did she do? ( – Queen Elizabeth the II ruled the country)
3. Where did she live? ( in the Buckingham Palace)
4. did she have a family? (- with her family)
• What do you know about the Queen?
5 .What do you think if this family large or small? (It’s large)
Well done. You are clever students. I am proud of you.
and now we have 2 teams
I will give you some texts about the members of royal family and guess who is it.
Text 1. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He is the youngest among the brothers. He studied at Cambridge University. He worked as a school teacher and as an actor at the theatre. Also he was an officer. His name is … (Prince Edward.)
Text 2. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. But he is not a monarch. He was born in Greece. He is a qualified pilot. Sometimes he gives interviews. The sphere of his interests is very wide: environment, wildlife, science and technology and sport. He is … (Prince Phillip.)
Text 3. She is one of the members of the Royal Family. She finished Beneden school in Kent. She is the hardest working member of the family. She made an excellent sports career. In recent years she has become quite popular with public. She doesn’t wear expensive dresses but she always looks very elegant. She is … (Princess Anne.)
Text 4. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He was born in 1948. He is interested in many things: architecture, environment, history, alternative medicine, farming. His favourite sport is polo. He has 2 children. He is … (Charles, the Prince of Wales.)
Text 5. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He is very good at sport. In 1980 he joined the Royal Navy and became a «sea King» helicopter pilot. He is interested in photography. He speaks French and German. In 1986 he married and has 2 daughters. He is … (Prince Andrew, the duke of York.)
Text 6. She is one of the members of the Royal Family. She is one of the world’s richest women. Most of working life is spent in an office reading and signing state papers. She never gives interviews. She likes to spend time with her children, watch horse racing, go for a walk and watch TV. She is … (Queen Elizabeth II.)
Now you are to say what the Queen likes and doesn’t like.
Каждая команда получает «Волшебную корзинку» с карточками, на которых записано что любит и не любит королева. На протяжении 5 минут команда должна отобрать и прикрепить на плакате карточки со вкусами королевы, а вторая команда – карточки с названиями того, что не нравится королеве. За правильное выполнение задания – 3 балла.
The Queen likes:
Horse racing.
Scottish country dancing.
Jigsaw puzzles.
Bright red dresses.
Long-stemmed, deep-pink carnations.
Quiet evenings at home.
Taking photos.
The Beatles film, Yellow Submarine.
The Queen dislikes:
Tennis, including Wimbledon.
Milk pudding.
The cold.
Charles Dickens.
Dictating letters.
Cigar smoke.
Listening to after-dinner speeches.
Домашнее задание
Find some information about the Royal Family on the Internet (about 6-7 sentences). Be ready to speak at the lesson.
And now we must collect the tree of Royal family. You should put photos on the right place. start ,please. Iook at the blackboard! Our tree is finish. I hope that our lesson has very interesting.
How do you think,was it useful fot you? Thank you for the lesson. I hope you have enjoyed the lesson