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Содержимое разработки

7.3A: Reading for Pleasure



Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __

Number present:


Theme of the lesson

Visualization. Writing.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings.

7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others .

7.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

7.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics with support;

  • recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics with support.

Most learners will be able to:

  • Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics with some support;

  • organise and present information clearly to others;

  • recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics with some support.

Some learners will be able to:

  • Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics with no or little support;

  • recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics with no or little support;

  • communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during pair, group and whole class exchanges.

Language objective

Use subject specific vocabulary, use appropriate Present and Past Tenses.

Value links

Responsibility , Global Citizenship.

Cross curricular links

Physics, Art.

Previous learning

In the previous unit, learners were introduced to visualization.

Use of ICT

Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation.

Intercultural awareness

Accept diversity of the world around us by means of visualization.

Kazakh culture

Some learners may write a cinquain about a Kazakh book.

Pastoral Care

Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.

Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among all the learners.

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned timings

Planned activities


2 minutes


A teacher says to the learners

  • Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you?

The learners greet the teacher too.

The teacher tells learners that they are going to continue the previous topic and asks what it was. Learners answer: “Visualization”


Learners listen to and sing “Visualize” song. Pre-teach the word alive . You can ask your learners to make a dictionary race, so the first one who finds it (alive) in the dictionary takes the prize (optional) or introduce it by yourself.

The teacher reveals the objectives of the lesson

Today you will:

  • Visualize a character or a scene from the books you read at home

  • Write and make a picture of your visualization

  • Present your visualization to the classmates


Pre-writing stage

The teacher asks learners if they liked the stories they read. What was special about them?


Learners should visualize a character/the whole story that they liked most from the books they read

Learners study the criteria for the writing task:

  1. Picture – 1 point

  2. Grammar (use of Past Simple and present Simple tenses) – 2 points

  3. Spelling (no more than 2 mistakes) – 1 point

  4. 80-100 words – 1 point

To get achieved – 4 points

Differentiation – less able learners describe a character, more able – a scene from the book.

Teacher monitors learners while the activity


Learners should present their visualization in front of the class


  1. You should speak for at least 1-2 minutes – 1 point

  2. Pronunciation (no more than 4 mistakes) – 2 points

  3. Creativity – 1 point

  4. Content (a picture and description)– 2 points

To get achieved – 5 points


Learners write a cinquain poem about a character/book.

The first line is one word which is the title of the poem. 

The second line contains two words which are adjectives that describe the title. 

The third line has three words that tell the reader more about the subject of the poem or shows action.  Many times these words are gerunds that end with “ing.”

The fourth line has four words that show emotions about the subject of the poem and may be individual words or a phrase. 

The fifth line is one word that is a synonym of the title or is very similar to it.
Hometask: read the text by O’Henry “Gift of a Magi”

 , sweets

7.3A: Reading for Pleasure Presentation Slide 2

7.3A Reading for Pleasure Writing Formative Assessment for more able/less able learners (Appendices 1-2)

7.3A: Reading for Pleasure Presentation Slide 3

Pencils, crayons

7.3A: Reading for Pleasure Presentation Slide 3

7.3A: Reading for Pleasure Didactic Material Cinquain (Appendix 3)

Appendix 4



Feedback: Teacher asks learners what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

More support:

  • More support:

  • Writing task is differentiated, they have to choose only one character to describe

  • More able learners:

  • They have to visualise the whole book they read

  • Encourage them to justify their opinions.


  • Monitor learners to check they can pick up specific details for writing task

  • Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language? Could they express which skills they had developed?

Learners work individually, apply skills and knowledge to a practical task, and produce their own materials. All of these lesson features reflect values as suggested in the Trilingual Implementation Strategy, and correlate with the aims of critical and creative thinking, and effective communication set out in the Subject Programme for G7 English.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


2: drawing task

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1:to watch a video or make a presentation about a cinquain

2:Questions of the higher level(according to Blooms taxonomy) as post speaking activity

What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Learners prefer to work individually

Appendix 1

Formative Assessment



Reading for pleasure

Learning Objectives

7.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills




Assessment criteria

  1. Picture – 1 point

  2. Grammar (use of Past Simple and present Simple tenses) – 2 points

  3. Spelling (no more than 2 mistakes) – 1 point

  4. 80-100 words – 1 point


  • organise and present information clearly to others

  • Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics with some support

Appendix 2

Formative Assessment



Reading for pleasure

Learning Objectives

7.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills




Assessment criteria

  1. Picture – 1 point

  2. Grammar (use of Past Simple and present Simple tenses) – 2 points

  3. Spelling (no more than 2 mistakes) – 1 point

  4. 80-100 words – 1 point


  • organise and present information clearly to others

  • Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics with some support

Appendix 3

Didactic Material


Appendix 4

The Gift of the Magi1

The year is 1905. We are on the streets of New York, with its tall buildings, expensive stores, and important people. But what do we know about the little people? Who lives behind that door? Who works in that small, dark office?

Let’s open a door and watch two young people on a cold day in December. The apartment is small. It has only two rooms. There are no pictures or photos. We can’t see any special things on the table. Hut it is a happy home.

Mr. and Mrs.James (Jim) Dillingham Young live here. It is their first home—at $8 a week. Jim works six days a week for $20. Every evening he walks slowly home. His days are long and his feet are heavy. But then he opens the door of the apartment.

There is Mrs. Young—his Della! She is the light in his dark days. She has food on the table for him, and she looks at him with her beautiful brown eyes. Jim always smiles. He is a happy man in his apartment with Delia, and she is happy, too.

This afternoon we can see Della in the apartment. Jim is at work. Della puts her money on the table. She has $1.87, and tomorrow is Christmas.

How can I buy a special Christmas gift for Jim with $1.87? What am I going to do?” she thinks. Della walks across her kitchen. “What can I buy for Jim?”

Della looks at the window. She can see her unhappy face in it. She looks at her long, beautiful hair. Jim always says, “I like to see your hair every morning in the sun. At work, I think about your hair.”

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Young have two special things: Della's hair and Jim’s gold watch. The watch was a gift from Jim’s father, and Jim always has it with him.

Sometimes Della says, “Excuse me, Mr.Young.What time is it?”Then Jim smiles, and he takes the gold watch from his coat. He opens the watch and looks at it with love. Then he tells Della the time.

But now Della is thinking about her beautiful hair. Quickly she puts on her thin, black coat and old hat. She goes into the street. She runs to Mrs. Sofronie’s store on First Street.The old woman buys hair.

Can you buy my hair?” Della asks.

Mrs. Sofronie smiles. "1 can give you $20 for it."

"OK. But, please, take it quickly,” Della says.

Della sits down and Mrs. Sofronie starts to work. Della doesn’t look at her hair on the floor. At three o’clock she takes the $20 from Mrs. Sofronie and puts on her hat. She runs quickly to Fourth Street and looks in every store. She finds her gift for Jim: a beautiful gold chain for his watch, for $21.

Della runs home and finishes the Christmas food. She is happy because she has the chain for Jim’s watch. Then she sees her hair in the window.

"Is Jim going to love me with short hair?” Della thinks. “But 1 did it for him. I wanted a gift for him.”

At seven o’clock, Della hears Jim at the door. He is never late. Della has her gift for him in her hand. The door opens and Jim walks into the kitchen. He looks thin, and he is cold in his old coat and shoes. Then he sees Della’s hair. He isn’t angry, but he is quiet.

"Jim. talk to me. I'm going to have long hair again one day. But this evening I have a special gift for you. Let's be happy. It’s Christmas tomorrow," Della says. “But .. ."Jim says. “Where is your beautiful hair?”

At Mrs. Sofronie’s store. She has my hair now, and I have a gift for you. And, I love you,” Della says.

Jim doesn’t answer. He looks at Della. Then he says, “Della, I loved you with long hair and I love you with short hair. And, I have a special gift for you, too.”

Della opens the gift quickly, and she finds two expensive combs for her long, brown hair. Della knows these combs because she sees them every day in a store window on Fifth Street. She loves them, but now she has no hair for them!

Jim, they’re beautiful, and in six months I can put them in my hair,” says Della.“But, wait! I have a gift for you.”

Jim opens his gift slowly, and lie looks at it.

Jim, do you like it? I looked in every store. Give me your watch. Let’s put it on your watch,” says Della.

But Jim doesn’t give Della his watch. He sits down and smiles. “Della, let’s put our gifts away for a year,” he says.“I don’t have my watch. I went to that store near my office.They buy watches there. You can see my watch in their window now, and you have the combs.”

What do we have here? The story of two people. They don’t have a lot of money, but they have a lot of love. And now they are going to have a happy Christmas because they understand about special gifts.

1 Magi: in the Christinas story, the three Magi (three kings) conic to Bethlehem with special gifts for the new child.Jesus.

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