Поурочный план на тему Our countryside для 6 класса

Поурочный план на тему Our countryside для учеников 6 класса с казахским и русским языком обучения

Содержимое разработки

Long-term plan unit:

Unit 3. Our countryside

School: 28


Teachers name: Esimkulova A.

Grade: 6

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Our countryside

Learning objectives(s) understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

- memorize some words

-complete 50-60 % of the tasks;

-tell about countryside covering some criteria

Most learners will be able to:

-memorize most of words

-complete 70-80 % of the tasks;

-tell about countryside covering most criteria

Some learners will be able to:

- memorise all the words

-complete 90-100 % of the tasks;

-tell about countryside covering all the criteria

Assessment criteria

Learners complete 70-80 % of the tasks.

Value links

Co-operation, Respect for self and others


The topic of countryside could connect to Geography and Art classes.

ICT skills

Smart board for PPT

Global Citizenship

Developing intercultural awareness



Planned timings

Planned activities

Lesson 1



5 min

(W) Organisation moment:

  • - Who is on duty today?

  • - What date is it today?

  • - What day is it today?

  • - What season is it now?

  • - Who is absent today?

  • - Thank you sit down, please.

  • 2. Now let’s start our lesson

I have some questions for you and I want listen your answers.

  1. Do you like visit your grandmother and grandfather?

  2. Where do they live?

  3. How often do you go to the village?

  4. What do you like more, city or village?

Look at the blackboard and say what can you see on the pictures.

Pupils share their ideas and say what they see on the pictures

Teacher thanks children for their answers.

Today the theme of our lesson is our countryside.

Let’s introduce with our aims.

The aims of the lesson are:

  • develop vocabulary

  • using vocabulary to speak about countryside



5-6 min

12-15 min

5 min

1 min

4-5 min

Let’s divide into 3 groups

There are some candies in the pocket. Put only one that you like.

Pupils get candies. They divide into the groups by colour of candy.

(G) Pre-reading: Vocabulary work (Pair work)

Pupils have pictures and words on their desks. They should connect words with pictures correctly.




Hen house




Peer assessment.

Look at the blackboard. There are answers. Please change works with your partner and check.


Pupils read the text about countryside and answer the questions.

My name is Peter. I live in the countryside, in a cottage which is over 100 years old. The cottage is near a small village. I love living here because it is calm. There aren’t many cars and busses, the streets are clean. You can go for a walk because there isn’t any violence. You can even leave your doors open, nobody will steal anything.

We know all the neighbours and at the end of the day, people get together at the main square and chat. We go to bed early, as there isn’t much to do in the evening. There isn’t any disco, theatre or cinema. We also don’t have a museum or a youth club. But the children can play in the streets or in the fields and they can have animals.

You can sleep very well because there is noise. The air is pure and you can see millions of stars.

It is a bit difficult in winter. Sometimes it snows a lot and then we are isolated for a few days. But still I like living in the countryside.

Strategy «5 questions» стратегия 5 вопросов

For 1st group

Where does Peter live?

Why does he like to live in the countryside?

What children do every day?

Why they go to bed early?

What are the advantages of living in countryside?

For 2nd group

Where is the cottage of Peter?

Why is it calm in countryside?

What people do together in countryside?

Why it is difficult to live in countryside in winter?

What people do in the evening?

For 3rd group

Why Peter like countryside more than the city?

Where cottage of Peter is situated?

Why is it calm in countryside?

What people can do in countryside?

What are the advantages of living in countryside?


Pupils should

  • understand the meaning of questions

  • give full answers

  • pronounce words correctly

Group assessment

Post reading: Fixing material

Teacher show collocations to pupils and they should choose what of them refer to countryside and city.

  • the air is fresh

  • there are a lot of factories, plants

  • there are a lot of cars

  • the water is clean

  • you can spend much time outdoors

  • you can grow your own fresh fruit and vegetables

  • go fishing

  • visit theaters, discos, cinemas

  • walk in the field

  • watch real stars at night

  • go shopping

  • it’s very noisy

Physical training

Pupils have a rest and do physical training with teacher.

Individual work.

Compare a city life with coutry life. Use comparative form of adjectives.

The city is ( busy)_____________ than countryside.

The coutryside is ( qiuet) __________ than city.

People in coutryside ( healthy) ______________than people in city

The coutryside is (small) ________than city.

Life in countryside is (good) __________than on city

Pupils have checking lists. They should evaluate yourself.








(W) Plenary:

Learners finish the statements:

I can….

I can’t.…

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links

Less able students may consult dictionaries while working with the new vocabulary, also, they listen to more able students’ answers to feel more confident before they speak.

Students, who make enough mistakes, will try to explain by the end of the lesson and find them by correcting.

Teacher observes students when participating in peer discussion. Makes notes on what mistakes they make and how they pronounce the topical vocabulary while they are speaking about the countryside.

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.
There should be reminded that no food nor chewing gums should be inside the classroom.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

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Поурочный план на тему Our countryside для 6 класса

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