Parts of the body

Урок английского языка с использованием мультимедийной презентации редакторе Microsoft Power Point "Parts of the body" (Части тела)

Содержимое разработки

Lesson plan

Theme: Parts of the body


Grade: 6 b

Aims: to enlarge the children’s vocabulary and grammar knowledge;

  • to develop their speaking, thinking and writing abilities;

  • to teach them to be well-mannered and well-educated person.

  • Visual aids:

  • Active board, worksheets, colorful pictures of new words.

Org. moment




Мотивационное видео

Учитель приветствует учащихся: Good morning! I’m glad to see you today!

Good morning! I’m glad to see you! Be happy! Be healthy!

And now look at the monitor! Let’s watch together!

Tell me, please! What have you understand from this video?

Yes, excellent answers! We must always achieve our aims and never to stop doing it!

P1- be strong

P2 - be brave

Checking home work

Let’s checking home work! I have a red hat. The hat of home work. I need one pupil. Come to me children. So let’s start!

You must read, translate and say countable or uncountable.

milk sugar bread rice apple orange juice tea fish biscuits chicken chesse

grape butter

P1- sugar-сахар- uncountable

P2 – orange-апельсин-countable, etc

Warming-up Видео-физкультминутка

Stand up, please! Let’s sing a song and do exercises!

«Head and Shoulders»

Pupils sing a song and do ex-s all together.

Presentation of the new theme


(Деление по группам)




Children look at monitor! What do you see? We have a guest! Who is it?

Yes, This is the Capitan Jack.

The Capitan Jack can’t find a treasure. Let’s help to him!

So, stand up, please! Lets find the treasure!

(ученики находят клад и угадывают тему урока)

The Capitan Jack

P1- body

P2- hand

P3- nose

P4 – leg, etc


(Writing and Speaking)

I give you two pictures and you must write a parts of body on these papers.

Each groups read their works on papers.

Word box

lips ears nose eyes leg hand arm hair mouth toe knee fingers feet eyebrow back elbow

Reflection (Feedback)

I want to invite a showman! Nikita welcome, please!

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! I am Showman. My name is Nikita.

I am very glad to see all of you! Please come to me and make a big circle.

I have a red hat. You must change your hat around.

And when music stops , you must answer the my questions!

So let’s start!

Вопросы «Showman»

  1. What have you learned in our lesson?

  2. Translate the words like: лицо, глаза, нос

  3. Now how are you?

  4. What was interesting in our lesson?

  5. What are the new words have you learned in our lesson?

Home task

p. 68, Ex-4-5

Learn the new words.


Our time is up. We’ve got to stop. I am happy to say you’ve done a good bit of work during this lesson. Good- bye children!

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