Открытый урок на тему "Ecology"

открытый урок на семинар. тема урока экология

Содержимое разработки

Тема урока: «Save our planet»

Тип урока: Обобщающий.

Цели проведения урока:

Развивающий аспект:

- повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка;

- обогащение лексического запаса учащихся по теме «Экология»;

- раскрытие творческих способностей детей;

Воспитательный аспект:

- формирование экологического мировоззрения;

- способствование общению с одноклассниками.

Образовательный аспект:

- активизировать лексику по теме в разных видах деятельности: чтение, аудирование, говорение, письмо.
- подготовить учащихся к устному монологическому высказыванию по теме “Проблемы окружающей среды”.

- повторить грамматическую тему «Условные предложения».

Оборудование: Мультимедиа со слайдовой презентацией, эмблемы участников , плакаты на эко-тематику, слова и музыка песни «“Kids for saving Earth promise song”, карточки с заданиями, отрывная ромашка с заданиями на лепестках, листки бумаги Ф-4 с цветными карандашами или фломастерами.

В классе развешаны плакаты в защиту окружающей среды, выполненные командами (домашнее задание):

If you don’t think about the future you will not have it! (John Galsworthy)”

Don’t cut wild flowers!”

Save electric power! Turn off the TV or the stereo when you are not watching or listening!”

Save water!”

Polluted air, land and water are harmful to people, animal and plants!”

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Hallo, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Let’s begin our lesson. Today we have unusual lesson. Let’s watch some video material to guess the theme of our lesson and what are we going to speak about.

  1. Просмотр видео фильма

How do you think what are we going to speak about?

Today we are going to talk about the most important theme in our life, the ecology. We are going to speak about our earth, our water, our air, animals and birds.

We will have a competition

People all over the world think about our planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals. They say our planet is in danger. Many people don’t know how to keep the water clean and the air fresh. But they are ready to do it. By the end of the lesson you’ll make up Five Golden Rules that people should follow if they want to survive.

Вступительное слово учителя "Об экологии"

Our land is full of beautiful flowers, plants, trees which grow and blossom in the meadows, on the banks of the rivers and lakes, in the forests and in our gardens.

Many flowers became rare and vanish. Our useful insects: bees, bumble - bees, dragonflies, grasshoppers can' t live in the atmosphere of chemical and pesticides. Many birds and fish die because of the polluted air and water.

The next important problem is air pollution. Excessive radiation and transport, factories and plants are harmful to people and animals. It also destroys the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun.

Another problem is that our forest are dying from acid rain. Very often industry is developing without any care of the environment. The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry in the 20 th has made the pollution of our environment a global problem which should be solved by all means. That' s why students and teachers must take part in controlling and protect nature.

At the beginning of the lesson I’d like you to do some vocabulary drills.

III. Лексика с мячом.

Look at the screen and remember some word and word combinations.












living things

to save

the Earth

together forever


peacefully roam

the wildlife

helping Mother Earth

flower to reuse


the nature the evolution recycle,

the air the radiation to plant

the water the protection

the soil the destruction

the container

IV. Now boys and girls, it’s time to divide you into two groups to hold a little competition. You should choice one emblem from this box.

The first task is your home task . Now please let’s check your home task. It was to learn the poems about Nature.

За каждый правильный ответ бабочка

« Hug the Earth” (Обнять Землю)

Walking along feeling free,
Feeling the earth here with me,
And I love her, she loves me,
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
She’s our friend,
We’d like to be together forever.

( Буров С.)

The earth is a garden,
It’s a beautiful place
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Helping Mother Earth,
We can peacefully roam,
We all deserve a place,
We can call our home.

(Багавдинов Магомед)

«The Earth»

Did you know, did you know
That the Earth is a star?
Somebody far, far away
At the end of the day
Looks out on the sky
With the stars swimming by
And cries: ”Oh, how bright
The Earth is tonight!
How wonderful it must be, how rare,
Didn't you know you are born on a star! Well, you are.

(Ася Гитинова)

To be born on the bright, bright Earth up there!
How the streams must shine!
How the grass must glisten
When the dew is risen!

How clear and fine the rays must fall
On the radiant seas
And the fountains tall
Of the lustrous trees!
On the glittering wall of the holly-hedge


And the sparkling sedge
By the pearly pool!
How the mud must gleam,
And the hill-tops beam!
How full, how full of light it must be
To live on the bright, bright Earth I see!
Turning up there, burning up there,
Swimming away on the lambent air!"



He loves the ocean.
He loves the sky.

She loves to travel.
She loves to fly.

He likes the country.
He loves the clouds.

She likes the city.
She loves the crowds.(

She loves the telephone

She loves to talk.

He loves the mountains..
He loves to walk.

She loves to travel.
She loves to fly.

He loves the ocean.
He loves the sky.(


I meant to do my work today –
But a brown bird sang in the apple tree,
And a butterfly flitted across the field,
And all the leaves were calling me,
And the wind went sighing over the land
Tossing the grasses to and fro,
And a rainbow held out its shining hand –
So what could I do but laugh and go?

Я думал, что сделаю сегодня
Все дела,
Но коричневая птичка
Пела на яблоне,
И бабочка порхала над полем,
И каждый листочек меня звал,
И ветер вздыхал над землей,
Раскачивая травы,

V.  Активизация грамматического материала (7 min.)

(if/when clauses - условные предложения первого типа)

Teacher: When we speak about suggestions and solutions to problems we normally use conditionals type 1 in such sentences. And now I want you to revise how to form it?

P: We use “if + present simple + will + bare infinitive”

Match the two columns to get a correct sentence.

1. If nuclear power stations go wrong,

1. we won't be protected from ultraviolet radiation.

2. If people stay in direct sunlight for a long time,

2. they will clean air again.

3. If there is no ozone layer in the atmosphere,

3. they will cause nuclear pollution.

4. If people use filters at nuclear power stations,

4. they will get ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

5. If factories dump their waste in the rivers,

5. they will solve the environmental problems.

6. If people want to survive,

6. they will become dirty and poisoned.

5. Open the brackets to make the sentences completed. Write the sentences down.

1. If we (take) care of our planet, it won't be in danger.

2. If people don't waste water, there (not be) serious water shortages in many parts of the world.

3. I will cycle to work, if I (not have) a car,

4. If factories (not pour) chemicals into rivers, they won't be polluted.

5. If people don't leave rubbish on beaches, they (not be) dirty.

VI. Конкурс «Подставь слово»

Каждой команде даётся текст. Нужно подставить подходящие по смыслу слова.

The Earth is our ___________. We know that _________ed air, land and _________ are harmful to plants, _________ and people. The people all over the world do everything to__________ the nature. We must not throw ________ on the ground. We mustn’t cut wild _________ . Old newspapers should be _________ .

(Protect, home, flowers, animals, reused, water, litter, environment.)

VII. Аудирование

Просмотр видео и выполнение заданий по фильму

VIII. Песня « Little Tiger Boo»

I am Boo the Little Tiger,

and I'm still kind of young.

My momma says I'm clumsy,

but I think its so fun.

I like to hide in bushes,

and catch a butterfly,

sometimes I trip over,

but I don't really mind.

Hey Yo Baya Da Ba,

Hey yo baya da ba,

Hey yo baya da ba,

hey yo in baya da bop.

IV. Конкурс–лексический. «Ромашка» (Задания на лепестках ромашки):

There are many types of dictionaries: English-Russian, Russian-English. When do you use them? Today you’ll have a chance to work with an English- English dictionary.

Task: Read the meaning and guess the word:

The scientific study of the natural relations of plants, animals, people to each other and their surroundings.


The act of making (air, water, land) dangerously impure.


Too many people in one place.


The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of sоmething.


The act of throwing things away untidily.


Plants, animals, people.

(Living things).

The natural home of a plant or animal.


--Surroundings, circumstances and influences.  


--Something which can help in doing something that can be turned to for support and help.    


--To use something up completely.


--No longer in existence; having died out.  


--That which produces an effect or event.    


X. Проектная деятельность

Участникам дают ватман, картинки, фломастеры, клей для создания проекта

  1. Water and air pollution (Алибеков и Гитинова)

  2. Animals and plants protection (Вика и Фатима)

Пока учащиеся готовят проект звучит песня

Michael Jackson  Earth Song  Песня Земли 


Our pupils decide to prepare gifts for our guests, some cards to remember about our lesson.

XII. Участники поют песню “Kids for saving Earth promise song”:

The Earth is my home
I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful
I will love the land, the air, the water and
all living creatures.
I will be a defender of my planet,
united with friends.
I will save the Earth.
United with friends, I promise to keep it
united with friends.
I will love the land United with friends.
I’ll be a defender
I will save the Earth
I will save the Earth.

Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов. Награждение участников конкурса

Teacher: Have you ever thought of your future? Do you think the people of tomorrow will be happier that we are?

We all live on the tiny fragile planet. Our life and health are closely connected with the environment. The main problem of the lesson is solved, now you know how we can protect our environment and what we can do for this.

Dear friends, our lesson is almost over. You've got marks and I think you are satisfied, You were very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson.

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