Fruits and Vegetables

Разработка для 3 класса по английскому языку

Содержимое разработки

OPEN LESSON: "Fruits and Vegetables"


ABC group



Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.S8 give simple instructions for others to follow

2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.W3 write short phrases to identify people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Say the names of fruits and vegetables (potato, apple,carrot,tomato,lemon,cucumber,banana,etc)

  • read and spell out words for others

  • write short phrases to identify people, places and objects

Most learners will be able to:

  • To read and understand a new vocabulary on the topic «Vegetables, fruits»

  • Can make simple sentences about I Like/ I do not Like

Some learners will be able to:



  • Read the names of fruit and vegetables without mistakes

  • Can read, understand, translate and analyze the text

  • Can use grammar instructions without mistakes


Learners have met this learning objectives if they can:

Say at least 6-8 words and identify fruits/vegetables


Community – following school, classroom rules; getting to know each other; working in groups


Biology, Art

ICT links

Using cards, posters

Previous learning



Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


Organization moment


  1. Greeting

-Hello, children!

-Hello teacher!

Let’s make a circle.

-Take your sits. I am glad to see you.Let’s begin our lesson and revise our hometask.

Let’s work with card. Complete the sentences with have got / has got

- Children do their tasks.

-You are right. Very good.


work with card


-Today we are going to speak about fruits and vegetables. Now look at the board and repeat after me.

Task 1

I will show you a picture, and you must say if it is a vegetable or fruit and repeat its name after me.

carrot[ kærət], orange[’ɒrɪndʒ], lemon[ˈlemən], banana[bəˈnænə], potato[pəˈteɪtəʊ], tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊz], cucumber [ˈkjuːkʌmbə], apple [æpl], fruit [fru:t], vegetable [ˈvɛdʒtəbəl].

Task 2

Dividing into two groups with the help of card.

«Fruits», «Vegetables»

-You must choose the picture cards and say what is it?

-Who takes apples, sit here. Your group’s name is FRUITS.

-Who takes tomatoes, sit here. Your group’s name is VEGETABLE

Let’s read the text about “Kazakh traditional food”

Task 3

-Lets check our brain and these puzzles will help us.

I'm a fruit. I'm a red.

I'm small. I'm sour or sweet. Cherry

I'm a fruit. I'm yellow. I'm sour. Lemon

I'm a vegetable.

I'm a brown.

I'm round and small. Potato

I'm a vegetable.

I'm long and orange.

Rabbits like me. Carrot


-Now tell me, please, what do you like? What don’t you like?

- Ask each other this question.


-Ok. Stand up, please. Let's do the exercises with me. If I say I like you must clap your hands

If I say I do not like you must stamp your feet.

Task 5

-I'll hide fruits or vegetables for you. They lies in the basket. . You'll find out what is it? And say Is it fruit? Is it vegetables?

Task 6

Match the words in three columns

word box : Tomato, cucumber, banana, cherry, coke, milk, sugar, eggs, pepper,pizza, tea, cheese, soup,orange juice, ham, cake,chips, potato, apple, porridge, grape,pear


Vegetables and fruit


Task 7

Individual work. Listen to the teacher and tick the right answer and cross the false answer

The chicken is purple.

The cheese is yellow.

The onion is brown.

The tomato is red

The egg is white . The juice is pink.




Flashcards of potatoes, apple,carrot,pear,onion,grapes

Ppt 5 Brainstorming



With poster.

I like the lesson!

I don’t like the lesson!


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«Fruits and Vegetables»

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ҚББП: М.А. Есқожина

Ақтөбе 2021ж








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