Your first program

Урок по информатике для 8 класса. Поурочный план на английском языке

Содержимое разработки

Қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары

School: 8





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Your first program

Learning objectives – distinguish between the concepts of "programming system" and "programming languages";

Lesson objectives

  1. Define meaning of IDE

  2. Learn how to create first program

  3. Learn how to output text

  4. Learn how to output mathematical statements

Thinking level

To know, to understand, to use.

Assessment criteria

  1. Create first program

  2. Create program that will output text

  3. Create program that will output combined mathematical statement & text

Language target

Knows and uses following terminology:

Compiler, IDE, Mathematical statement, Output.


«Brain storming», «Kahoot game», “Work in pairs”

National morality

To use effective ways of interpreting information

Interdisciplinary communication

Math, English, IT

Pre knowledge – distinguish between the concepts of "programming system" and "programming languages";

Lesson plan

Lesson period



Start of the lesson

10 min

  1. «Brain storming» method:

How to create program with Python?

  1. Reviewing last topic: distinguish between the concepts of "programming system" and "programming languages";

3. Explaining new topic

Presentation, active board


28 min

A level

Practice 1

Write a program that will display your name

Assessment criterion


Create a program that will display your name

  1. Type a code

  2. Run a code

  3. Check a code

Practice 2

Write a program that will display following text:

Hello! My name is _________

I am happy to learn Python.

Assessment criterion


Create a program that outputs text on separate lines

  1. Type a code

  2. Run a code

  3. Check a code

B level

Practice 3

Create a program that will solve the expression and outputs in given format

  1. 123*56 =

  2. 23 + 45 + 54 =

  3. 2315 - 562 + 457 =

Assessment criterion


Create a program that will solve the expressions and output in given format

  1. Type a code

  2. Run a code

Check a code

Presentation, Python program

Concluding the lesson

2 min

  1. Reflection: Colorful stickers

Colorful stickers

Получите свидетельство о публикации сразу после загрузки работы

Получите бесплатно свидетельство о публикации сразу после добавления разработки