Тренировочные упражнения 9 класс "Английский в фокусе", к Модулю 3, раздел 3d Illusions

Мотивация на работу по теме "Оптические иллюзии".

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Тренировочные упражнения к Модулю 3, раздел 3dIllusions

1. Match the words with their meanings.

  1. optical illusion ___

  2. play trick on ___

  3. complicated ___

  4. have fun with ___

  5. imagination ___

  6. shadow ___

  7. shade ___

  8. reflection ___

  1. отражение

  2. оттенок

  3. повеселиться

  4. воображение

  5. тень

  6. оптическая иллюзия

  7. сложный

  8. разыграть

2. Complete the text with the prepositions with or on.

1. My elder brother likes playing tricks ____ me.

2. Let’s have fun ______ optical illusions!

3. On the 1st of April people usually play tricks ____ each other.

4. Children get together in the garden to have fun ___ their toys.

3. Complete the sentences with the words.

fantasy • minds • shadow • illusions • reflection

1. Optical ___________ can force the eyes to see things in a different way.

2. Wherever Tommy goes, his puppy follows like a ____________.

3. Albert Einstein was one of the finest __________ of modern science.

4. Jason is very strange. He really lives in his _________ world.

5. Jenny was standing in front of the mirror looking at her ______________.

4. Choose the correct answer.

1. Tim’s car was so shiny that he could see his own shadow\reflection in it.

2. Pam has a brilliant mind\head-she’s training to be a surgeon.

3. When people lose touch with reality we say they live in their imagination\fantasy world .

4. The magician in that show didn’t really disappear – it was just a(n) illusion\test.

5. She’s got a vivid fantasy\imagination.

5. Match the words to make word combinations.

1.play ____

2.have ____

3.natural ____

4.use ____

5.brilliant ____

6.complicated ____

  1. task

  2. imagination

  3. trick on

  4. mind

  5. fun with

  6. shades

6.Choose the correct answer.

1. This picture can’t/must be real. The original is in Paris.

2. I may\must come with you. I haven’t decided yet.

3. It must\can’t be an oil painting. This artist only worked with oil.

4. I’m not sure. I think it may\must be a portrait of a woman.

5. I have a lot of plans for the weekend. I think we may\can’t meet.

7. Underline the correct answer.

1.The moon was so bright that James could see his shadow\reflection in the lake.

2.When David saw the shadow\reflection of a strange animal, he started shaking.

3.John’s vivid imagination\illusion is what makes him able to write such brilliant stories.

4.Did the magician really fly away or it was just an imagination\illusion?

Контрольные упражнения к Модулю 3, раздел 3dIllusions

NAME ______________________ CLASS ______ DATE ______________________________

Var 1

1. Complete the sentences with the words.

mind • complicated • shade

1) I can’t do this test – it’s very ______________.

2) Tom is very intelligent and has a brilliant ______________.

3) Let’s use natural _______________ to paint autumn

2. Choose the right variant.

1. This picture can’t/must be real. The original is in London.

2. I may\must come with you. I see you need my help.

3. It may\must be my favourite film but I’m not sure.

3. Express the same in Russian.

  1. play trick on

  2. have fun with

  3. shade

  4. reflection

  5. mind

NAME ______________________ CLASS ______ DATE ______________________________

Var 2

1. Complete the sentences with the words.

play tricks on • have fun with • reflection

  1. Your face is so dirty, Paul! Just look at your ________________ in the mirror!

  2. She’s my sister! Don’t ______________ her!

  3. We are going to __________________ this new game!

2. Choose the right variant.

1.It may\can’t be an oil painting. This artist didn’t work with oil.

2.I’m not sure, I think it may\must be a very expensive painting.

3.I have no plans for the weekend and I haven’t seen you for ages. We must\may meet.

3. Express the same in Russian.

1. optical illusion

2. complicated

3. fantasy

4. imagination

5. shadow

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Тренировочные упражнения 9 класс "Английский в фокусе", к Модулю 3, раздел 3d Illusions

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