Тестовая работа по теме Appearance (Внешность) в 7 классе

Данная тестовая работа подходит для написания в 7 классе по теме Appearance, учебное пособие English 7, Юхнель Н. В., Наумова Е. Г., Демченко Н. В. Минск 2016

Содержимое разработки


Unit 1

7 Form

I Unjumble the words

  1. andomesh

  2. cyhbbu

  3. Iatsgthr

  4. petcmmolni

  5. uycrl

II Write the sentences with used to

  1. My father … (to drive) a car to work, now he rides a bike.

  2. We … (to live) in a cottage, now we live in a semi-detached house.

  3. My sister … (to play) the guitar, now she plays the piano.

  4. She … (to eat) a lot of sweets, now she is on a diet.

  5. I … (to go) to the cinema when we lived in a city.

III Unjumble the sentences

  1. way/ like/looked/Masha/to/didn`t/the/use/she.

  2. frescles/Who/use/have/did/to?

  3. believe/I/aliens/used/to/in.

  4. didn`t/Rosie/frescles/use/have/to.

  5. you/books/did/What/read/to/use?

IV Make questions to the sentences

  1. Kris used to sleep less.

  2. Justin Bieber used to be a bit chubbier.

  3. My sister used to copy a celebrity.

  4. He used to wear glasses.

  5. His father used to play tennis in his youth.

V Write 5 sentences about youк appearance using use to/didn`t use to

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Тестовая работа по теме Appearance (Внешность) в 7 классе

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