Сочинение по английскому языку "The national health service in Great Britain."

Сочинение по английскому языку "The national health service in Great Britain." Работа с текстом.

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The national health service in Great Britain.

In Great Britain primary health care is in the hands of family practitioners who work within the National Health Service.The family practitioner services are those givento patients by doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists. Family doctors provide the first diagnosis in the case of illness and either prescribe a suitable course of treatment or refer a patient to the more specialized services and hospital consultants.

About 85 per cent of the cost of the health services is paid for through general taxation. The rest(остаток) is paid by the National Health Service contribution and from the charges for(оплатаза) prescriptions, dental treatment, dentures (зубнпротезы) and spectacles.

Many doctors complain that they waste hours filling in National Insurance forms, and that they have so many patients that they do not have enough time to look after any of them properly. And nurses complain that they are overworked (слишкоммногоработают) and underpaid (малооплачиваемые).

That is why rich people prefer to go to private doctors, or to see specialists in Harley Street, the famous "doctors" street in London. Pations paid for a week or for a day.

The most famous hospitals in London are St.bartholomew`s and St.Thomas.

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