Mandarin duck

Mandarin duck is a small bird of the genus of forest ducks of the duck family.
Mandarin duck is a small duck. The length of the wing of adult tangerines is 210-245 mm.

The color of the male mandarin duck stands out among other ducks with a bright color of plumage. The male has a crest on his head and is more brightly colored than the female.

Mandarin duck swims well, while sitting high on the water. Dives rarely, only when injured
It feeds on mollusks, worms, fish roe, and seeds of aquatic plants.

Its flight is fast, it takes off easily, sometimes almost straight up. Unlike most ducks, a mandarin duck often sits on tree branches or on coastal cliffs. Hunting tangerines is prohibited, it is listed in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species. This duck is bred in the parks like a decorative bird.